On Friday I announced the TekPub LINQ Challenge. In this challenge, readers were asked to create a LINQ query which would find all of the prime numbers in a list of numbers. A task which is probably harder than many people would probably want to admit. A few clever people actually implemented the Sieve of Eratosthenes in a LINQ query, which definitely does the trick! My solution was a little less optimal.
I want to thank everyone who participated, and for the first five people who solved the puzzle and followed all of the rules, they will receive one coupon for a single TekPub series! Here is the list of winners:
Congrats to all of you who won! Please DM me on twitter at @JustinEtheredge with the name of the TekPub series that you want, and I will get a coupon code to you! Thanks again to everyone who entered!
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