I have put up the registration page for the July 2008 Meet and Code dinner. This month’s topic is going to be on dynamic languages, most likely with a focus on Ruby and Python since those are the two big dynamic languages coming for the .net platform. We hope to have some people there who know their way around a bit of duck typing, and we also hope that some people will bring a little bit of knowledge or expertise to show off. Don’t feel like you have to be an expert (I know I’m not!), everyone has a little something to share!
We are (hopefully) being hosted again by SnagAJob.com. This has yet to be confirmed, but I will update and send out e-mails to anyone registered if the location changes.
As usual we will have food provided, so come hungry!
Another thing I am looking at is how I can increase the ownership of the local community in these meetings. My first idea was to get a site up so that people can start voting and submitting topics to have at the meetings. Does anyone else have any ideas? If so, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail through the contact page!
Loved the article? Hated it? Didn’t even read it?
We’d love to hear from you.