Richmond Code Camp 2009.2 is just around the corner! It is coming up on Saturday October 3rd to be exact. We are going to hold it again over at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, which has an absolutely amazing facility for holding the code camp.
While the facilities are excellent, it can’t be any good at all unless we have some truly amazing speakers! And this is where you come in! If you have an idea for a talk, or you already have a few talks prepared, please submit them! We are going to close the speaker suggestions this Saturday (August 8th), so that we can let our speakers know what their slots are and what the schedule is. If you are so inclined, please blog, twitter, tell co-workers, etc… that they need to go here and submit a talk as soon as possible.
If you are new to giving talks (or have never ever given one), and are thinking about submitting, please feel free to contact me with any questions that you might have! I am happy to help in any way that I can.
If you aren’t going to submit a talk, then mark October 3rd on our calendar so that you are able to attend!
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i feel very lucky can find this page..
finally i find something that i want to know..
thank you for this usefull informations..