The October Meet and Code is this Thursday October 30th 2008 from 6:00 to 8:00pm, and we are going to have Chris Busse coming to talk to us about REST web services.
Title: GET some REST
Abstract: Working with 3rd-party web service APIs
A lot of web applications these days provide APIs that allow you to extend your programs to work with them or create mashup between more than one web app. Examples include Twitter, 37signals’ Basecamp, Amazon S3, and Google Maps. We’ll take a look at how to read and write to these APIs from your .NET application and things that you need to be aware of such as when to use GET vs. POST, HTTP Status Codes, Authentication, caching/performance considerations, and XML parsing.
This is going to be a good one!
Dominion Digital is gracious enough to be providing food, so come hungry!
Richmond Meet and Code
When: Thursday October 30th from 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Where: SnagAJob.com’s Worldwide Headquarters
Please go here to sign up (and get directions) so we know how many people are coming: http://www.clicktoattend.com/invitation.aspx?code=132625
Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there!
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