The June Richmond Meet and Code dinner has been scheduled for June 26th! We are being graciously hosted again by SnagAJob.com. They have a wonderful meeting room setup where everyone can sit and eat and watch a presentation or have a good argument discussion.
This month's topic is going to be Linq expression trees. I will have a little demo setup to show off expression trees, but I hope that others will come armed with something to share. The floor is also open to discussing any topics or asking any questions, so if you need help with something please don't hesitate to ask.
There will also be food provided, so come hungry!
Click here to signup so that we know how many are coming.
Loved the article? Hated it? Didn’t even read it?
We’d love to hear from you.
1. Your date is wrong. It’s apparently June 26, not June 16 (which was 4 days ago).
2. NOO!!! I won’t be able to make it. 🙁
Maybe next month then…
@Jonathan Thanks for catching that. That is what I get for doing things in a hurry while at work. Yes, the date is June 26th, and that stinks you won’t be able to make it. I’ll see you there next month though, it will likely be on July 24th.