As we all know, Richmond VA is home to an amazing, vibrant developer community. The amount of passion and creativity coming out of the developer community in this city rivals that of some of our larger counterparts. Unfortunately, up until now there has been a lack of focused technology conferences in the area… but we wanted to remedy that!
Al and I then reached out to a few folks in the area that we knew would be interested in solving this same problem, and RVA JavaScript Conference was born!
We are excited to team up with:
- Gaelen Kash – the organizer and facilitator of both RVA.js meetup and RVAdev Slack team
- Trish Mahan – who is a technical advisor at the local tech talent incubator MAXX Potential and director of Women Who Code Richmond
- A’braham Barakhyahu – a passionate local JavaScript developer
The first RVA JavaScript Conference is being held on Friday November 3rd. It will be at the Westin Richmond which is located at 6631 West Broad St Richmond, VA 23230. RVA JavaScript Conf is a conference dedicated to everything JavaScript. From front-end JavaScript frameworks, to server-side JavaScript, we will have something for everyone involved in the JavaScript ecosystem.
We are currently looking for both sponsors and speakers, so if you’re interested in speaking, please check out https://www.papercall.io/rvajavascript2017 and submit your talk.
If you’re interested in sponsoring, you can see the sponsorship prospectus here and reach out to us at sponsor@rvajavascript.com if you have any questions!
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